Strategic Rationale for Bayer’s Acquisition of Monsanto
The Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto was an offensive transaction that transformed to a worst corporate deal in Berlin. The acquisition of $63 billion was a significant shortcoming experienced in the gambit ranks. The struggle to take total control of Monsanto Co. has exposed the company into operation setback in future. The aim of Bayer was to transform Monsanto into a hub of invention in crop-science business an effort that did not materialize. After Monsanto acquisition in 2018, a case was filed in the court of law alleging that the crop-science business was associated with cancer and Bayer lost the lawsuit. After Bayer lost, the he was made to pay damage fees amounting to $190 million. In due time more plaintiffs totaling to 18,400 were filed against Bayer in acquisition of Montano. Bayer responded by filing appeals against the petitioners but Monsanto shares kept losing their value at rate of 30% dated from the closure of the deal. The drastic drop in the value of Monsanto share...